
Menampilkan postingan dari 2008

IBU, Aku Cinta Kamu

Ibu, Aku Mencintaimu Cerita bermula ketika aku masih kecil, aku terlahir sebagai seorang anak laki-laki di sebuah keluarga yang miskin. Bahkan untuk makan saja, seringkali kekurangan. Ketika makan, ibu sering memberikan porsi nasinya untukku. Sambil memindahkan nasi ke mangkukku, ibu berkata : "Makanlah nak, aku tidak lapar" ---------- KEBOHONGAN IBU YANG PERTAMA Ketika saya mulai tumbuh dewasa, ibu yang gigih sering meluangkan waktu senggangnya untuk pergi memancing di kolam dekiat rumah, ibu berharap dari ikan hasil pancingan, ia bisa memberikan sedikit makanan bergizi untuk petumbuhan. Sepulang memancing, ibu memasak sup ikan yang segar dan mengundang selera. Sewaktu aku memakan sup ikan itu, ibu duduk disamping gw dan memakan sisa daging ikan yang masih menempel di tulang yang merupakan bekas sisa tulang ikan yang aku makan. Aku melihat ibu seperti itu, hati juga tersentuh, lalu menggunakan sumpitku dan memberikannya kepada ibuku. Tetapi ibu dengan cepat menolaknya, ia be

My Field Work Report

This is my field work report during accompanying Prof. Stein Kristianses doing research in four different places: Lombok, Ambon, Seram and Manggarai. This research aims for preparing Indonesia as a piloting country on REDD project in the year of 2012. I. The Rinjani forest, Lombok An Interview with the Head of WWF Office in Lombok on 16th of October 2008 1. Introduction Lombok is a small island in Nusa Tenggara Barat province with 3 million inhabitants. One of the tourism places in Lombok is National park of Rinjani. This national park is protected by the local government not only because of its tourism potentials, but also its contributions to the life of Lombok people. Actually, the mountain of Rinjani and its surrounding forests are like ‘a heart of Lombok Island’, producing fresh air and clean water for its resident. The question now is if the government and the residents really take care of it. 2. Rinjani National Park and its problems The size of Rinjani National Park is 125.000

Rinjani National Park at a Glance

This article is made for Norwegian Student of Agder, Norway, doing research on Rinjani National Park in February 2009. By: Emilianus Yakob Sese Tolo I. Introduction The park covers an area of 41,330 ha on the northern part of Lombok and locates the three administrative district of West, East and Central Lombok. The area covers 12,357.67 ha in the west, 22,152.88 ha in the east and 6,819.45 ha in central Lombok. Rinjani dominates the National Park of Lombok, an island east of Bali on the Indonesian archipelago. At 3726m it is the second highest volcano in Indonesia, part of the infamous ring of fire that encircles the basin of the Pacific. Within the crater is the spectacular Segara Anak lake and the still – active volcano Gunung Baru (2,363m). It is surrounded by further 66,000 ha of Protection Forest also covers the three administrative districts. The park ecosystem is in the transitional zone between Asia and Australia (Walaceae zone). Average rainfall is about 3,000mm annually. Gunu

Reuni St. Klaus Angkatan 2003 di Manggarai Timur, Borong, Cepi Watu

Inilah foto bersama kawan2 angkatan 2003. Meski cuman ber7,tapi kami bisa menghadirkan masa lalu, masa2 duka dan suka di kala SMA.Pada kesempatan ini kami sempat ref kejadian2 waktu masa SMA seperti "meditasi" (tako hang), tako tete,tako rateng, tako longor, tako minyak ikan, dan lain..Sori...lebih banyak takonya.Kami bukan klemptomania, tapi begitulah takdir anak asrama di St. Klaus. Ini adalah sebuah kenangan yang tak mudah untuk dilupakan. Ia telah tergores begitu indah dalam relung kalbuku yang masygul. Adapun nama,yang duduk dari kiri ke kanan:Patrik Sudiarto, Emil Tolo (saya), Erik seda. Yang berdiri dari kiri ke kanan: Yane Sebatu, Esti Maro dan Lira Jenai. Tukang foto: Mr. John Ngkahar. I miss u....Good bye my unforgettable experience.

Dua Pejabat: Patric and Emilio

Ini foto saya dan patrik, waktu reuni angkatan 2003 di borong tepatnya di Cepi Watu. Patrik dan saya pernah menjadi pejabat birokarasi SMU St. Klaus. He...he...he... Cuma iseng doang...Patrik adalah mantan Ketua Asrama Putra SMUK St. Klaus dan Saya mantan ketua OSIS SMUK St. Klaus tahun ajaran 2002-2003. Saya dan patrik adalah teman angkatan yang paling akrab hingga saat ini.

Kelimutu National Park at a Glance

It is a simple article about Kelimutu National Park in Ende-Flores. This article is a preparation for Norwegian students of Agder Univesity doing research on the management of National Park in Kelimutu. I think it is also useful for my blog visitors. That is why, I put it here so as to fill up my readers' curiosity on Kelimutu National Park. By: Emilianus Yakob Sese Tolo I. Introduction Kelimutu National Park is located on the island of Flores, Ende regency, Indonesia. It consists of a region with hills and mountains, with Mount Kelibara (1.731 m) as its highest peak. Mount Kelimutu, which has the three coloured lakes, is also located in this national park. This unique natural attraction is a destination for tourists from many regions. The most well-known of Kelimutu National park is three colored water of these crater lakes in the mountain-top of Kelimutu. These lakes exist due to the continuous volcanic activities that started million years ago; and this nature phenomenon doe